- Preparations
- Working with node sets
- Namespaces
- Variables
- Advanced example: Explicit compilation and environments
- Advanced example: Context objects
Make sure to load Plexippus before running the examples.
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :xpath)First, parse an XML document into memory. (This step does not involve XPath yet):
CL-USER> (defparameter *document* (cxml:parse "<test a='1' b='2' xmlns:foo='http://foo'> <child>hello world</child> <foo:child>bar</foo:child> </test>" (stp:make-builder))) *DOCUMENT*
Almost all uses of XPath involve the evaluate function. Its first argument is the XPath expression to evaluate. The second argument is a context designator, for example an XML node.
Let's start with a trivial example adding two numbers. The context argument does not matter in this example. Also note that XPath is specified to use IEEE double float arithmetic, so we get 3.0d0 rater than the integer 3:
CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "1 + 2" *document*) 3.0d0
As a slightly more exciting test, we select numbers from the document. Note the two attributes called a and b. Again we get 3.0d0, because the strings were turned into numbers by the addition operation:
CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "test/@a + test/@b" *document*) 3.0d0
Finally, here is code that finds the "hello world" string in the document above: First we select the child element, then we compute its string value. (The expression for //child actually returns a node set, and xpath:string-value select the string value of the textually first node in the set. Below we will see how to deal with node sets directly.)
CL-USER> (xpath:string-value (xpath:evaluate "//child" *document*)) "hello world"
Working with node sets
Revisiting the previous example, let's look at the node set returned when evaluating //child.
The result is a rather verbose-looking xpath:node-set object like this:
CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "//child" *document*) #<XPATH:NODE-SET #.(ELEMENT #| :PARENT of type ELEMENT |# CHILDREN '(#.(TEXT #| :PARENT of type ELEMENT |# DATA hello world)) LOCAL-NAME child), ... {22FF24F1}>
Looking closely, we see that the node set contains an STP element object for <child>, which is what we were looking for.
We also see ... in the output. What does that mean? It refers to a possible rest of the node set. The printer shows only the first element for two reasons. One reason is brevity. The other is more technical: Whenever possible, node sets are computed lazily, meaning that the rest of the node set hasn't actually been determined yet.
We can force the delayed tail of the node set to be computed by asking for xpath:all-nodes. In this case there turns out to be only one node:
CL-USER> (xpath:all-nodes (xpath:evaluate "//child" *document*)) (#.(ELEMENT #| :PARENT of type ELEMENT |# :CHILDREN '(#.(TEXT #| :PARENT of type ELEMENT |# :DATA "hello world")) :LOCAL-NAME "child"))
When working with node sets containing more than one node, the convenience macro xpath:do-node-set can be helpful. It is similar to dolist, but iterates over a node set's pipe.
CL-USER> (xpath:do-node-set (node (xpath:evaluate "//*" *document*)) (format t "found element: ~A~%" (xpath-protocol:local-name node))) found element: test found element: child
In all of these cases, nodes are returned in document order, i.e. in the textual order nodes would also be found in the XML document when serialized.
When looking for //child above, we only got one node, because the second element with a local-name of child is in a different namespace. To address such an element using a qualified name in an XPath expression, its namespace needs to be declared using xpath:with-namespaces first. Here's an example:
CL-USER> (xpath:with-namespaces (("foo" "http://foo")) (xpath:evaluate "string(//foo:child)" *document*)) "bar"
Note that it does not matter which namespace prefix we use to name the 'http://foo' namespace. We could have called it 'foo' in the XML document and 'quux' when using XPath, because the namespace URI is what identifies the namespace, not the prefix.
The `dynamic environment' configured by with-namespaces uses special variables to find namespaces, allowing the same occurance of xpath:evaluate to be compiled only once, and then used for different namespaces at run-time, depending on the environment established by its caller:
CL-USER> (defun dynamic-environment-example () (xpath:evaluate "string(//foo:child)" *document*)) DYNAMIC-ENVIRONMENT-EXAMPLE CL-USER> (xpath:with-namespaces (("foo" "http://foo")) (dynamic-environment-example)) "bar" CL-USER> (xpath:with-namespaces (("foo" "")) (dynamic-environment-example)) "hello world"
(If you are curious how this works, try (trace xpath:compile-xpath) before re-evaluating these forms multiple times. Watch how recompilation is done at run-time, but only if namespaces changed.)
XPath variables allow caller-specified values to be used in expressions:
CL-USER> (xpath:with-variables (("x" 2)) (xpath:evaluate "$x + 1" *document*)) 3.0d0
Advanced example: Explicit compilation and environments
This example is meant to give a brief glimpse of extensibility features offered by Plexippus.
We previously used the xpath:evaluate function, which compiles and evaluates an XPath expression automatically. (It also has a compiler macro, which arranges for caching of compiled closures and their run-time recompilation.)
Here, we call lower-level XPath functions directly to simulate the work xpath:evaluate normally does.
CL-USER> (defparameter *precompiled-closure* (xpath:compile-xpath "//@a + //@b" (xpath::make-dynamic-environment nil))) *PRECOMPILED-CLOSURE* CL-USER> *precompiled-closure* #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA (XPATH:CONTEXT)) {2522F749}> CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate-compiled *precompiled-closure* *document*) 3.0d0
We see several new concepts here:
- XPath isn't evaluated directly. Instead, it is compiled into closures.
- To use a pre-compiled closure, call xpath:evaluate-compile instead of xpath:evaluate. (As you can see, closures basically just take a context argument, but please don't call them directly, because some Plexippus internals might not be configured correctly if you do so. In particular, IEEE floating point traps need to be turned off for correct XPath behaviour. We also tweak node sets slightly before returning them to use code.)
- Compilation references an environment object, which provides namespaces and implements XPath variables and functions. The default in xpath:evaluate is a `dynamic environment', implementing with-namespaces and with-variables. You can subclass xpath::environment to implement various generic functions differently.
Advanced example: Context objects
Previously why we talked about a `context' designator argument to xpath:evaluate (but all examples above only pass ordinary nodes as context designators). Here is what the context does.
First, let's grab the child element.
CL-USER> (defparameter *child* (xpath:first-node (xpath:evaluate "/test/child" *document*))) *CHILD*
Using *child* as the context node, some examples:
CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "string()" *child*) "hello world" CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "position()" *child*) 1 CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "last()" *child*) 1
Here, the position() and size() are 1 by default, based on the assumption that the node passed as an argument is the only member of the a conceptual `current node set' the caller might be walking. But we can pretend that we are at a different position:
CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "position()" (xpath:make-context *child* 5 2)) 2 CL-USER> (xpath:evaluate "last()" (xpath:make-context *child* 5 2)) 5